Devouring the city’s best brownies at the Happy Kitchen bakery and cafe in London Fields

It was a frosty Saturday morning and having resisted the overwhelming urge to stay in bed I found myself trekking across London to attend my friend Juliette’s new yoga class. Thankfully, I was rewarded for my efforts because when I eventually arrived in London Fields I stumbled upon something oh-so wonderful, just by a lovely twist of serendipity.
I was half an hour early and in desperate need of a cuppa when I stepped inside Happy Kitchen bakery. The community buzz resonated instantly and I wanted to be a part of it. The friendly, jolly and attentive staff constantly waved at their local clientale and I got the feeling there is always time to have a natter at the Happy Kitchen.
The lovely Ellie took my order and persuaded me to try one of their famous brownies. Now let me tell you, as a lover of chocolate, these were delicious. Quite amazing really considering the “Ingredients are entirely cane or refined sugar free, gluten/wheat free, never contain dairy or eggs, are vegan, preservative free & mostly all organic!”
I sort of bounced to my yoga class and couldn’t help but gush about Happy Kitchen to my friend Jules who thought it quite amusing I stopped at a cafe before a yoga class (guessing this is not the done thing, then!?). Either way, it was certainly good for my wellbeing because now the promise of Happy Kitchen’s delights never fails to lure me out of bed and all the way across London for my Saturday morning yoga class!
Image courtesy of eatingeast on Flickr